Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy

Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy


Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA), the education arm of the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) provides a pipeline for students interested in resources sector careers. Established in 2005 with 18 schools, the QMEA now engages with 90 schools across the state.

QMEA is a highly successful program placing students onto pathways into the resources sector and other science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) industries. Australia’s largest and most successful industry-led, schools/industry initiative, the Academy’s programs and experiences broaden students’ and teachers’ knowledge of the resources sector and provide a talent pipeline of employees into VET and STEM-related careers, with a strong focus on female and indigenous students. QMEA is primarily funded by its industry sponsors with support from the Queensland government. Hastings Deering, through its sponsorship, encourages students to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based careers and introduces students to the resources and engineering sector.  Hastings Deering employed 5 apprentices in 2021 that came via the QMEA affiliated school and will employ 6 apprentices from QMEA aligned school in 2022. 

Clontarf Foundation

Clontarf Foundation

clontarf logo

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, self-esteem, life skills and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so, equips them to participate more meaningfully in society. Hastings Deering partners with the Clontarf Foundation in Queensland and Northern Territory to provide potential pathways to employment through work experience, business centre visits, mock interviews and resume assistance. Hastings Deering hosted Business Centre visits for Clontarf students in Darwin, Cairns, Townsville and Toowoomba during 2017/18. We also participated in employment forums to provide students better understanding of careers available. Clontarf has been highly successful in placing graduates in permanent fulltime employment.

UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology


The Faculty of EAIT has a particular focus on teaching and learning activities that support active student engagement to balance theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Our academic staff are committed to a rich student learning experience emphasising professional competency and skills to provide the Faculty’s graduates with excellent career opportunities. Hastings Deering nominates employees with engineering backgrounds to judge the University of Queensland Faculty of Engineering Demo Day where first year Engineering students were asked to analyse current industry solutions and redesign a scale-model of a Drag Line. 29 teams competed for first, second and third placing with their demonstrations being marked against the project criteria.